(313) 836-3366

13840 Intervale St, Detroit, MI 48227

total demolition

We will remove everything. It’s as simple as that.

Commit to efficiency and safety with total demolition from Detroit Dismantling.

Total demolition alters the landscape of an area and prepares the way for new needs. 

Total Demolition Includes:

  • Structure Razing
  • Debris Sorting
  • Debris Removal
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Lot Leveling
  • Hazardous Materials Abatement
  • Backfill/Lot Leveling

While some structures are empty shells and stand alone, others connect to active sites that demand meticulous engineering and design solutions. Whatever the requirements of the job, Detroit Dismantling’s decades of experience ensure all projects receive unparalleled preparation, safety, and execution.

Contact Detroit Dismantling